Finally, Achieve Inbox Zero

Plus, China answers OpenAI's Sora with Vidu

Hey AI enthusiast!

Welcome to your Wednesday issue of There's An AI For That. Half the week might be over (how’s it going so far?), but our excitement for AI is just getting started. As you prepare for the rest of the week, let’s uncover the latest AI designed to enhance your efficiency and creativity! 🦾

Breaking News

The latest developments in AI

🤖 Anthropic - Anthropic has introduced a new Team plan for its Claude AI platform, offering increased usage, access to advanced models, and admin tools, as well as an iOS app for on-the-go access.

🔒 U.S. Military - The US military is slowing down its adoption of generative AI technology due to concerns over its reliability and potential security vulnerabilities, despite its rapid development and implementation in the business world.

💻 NVIDIA - Nvidia has updated its ChatRTX AI chatbot to support additional models, including Google's Gemma, ChatGLM3, and OpenAI's CLIP, as well as voice queries and photo search capabilities, making it a more powerful search tool for RTX GPU owners.

Today’s Sponsor

Zero Inbox - Finally, Achieve Inbox Zero

Often find yourself drowning in a sea of emails?

Zero Inbox is here to throw you a lifeline. This AI-powered tool is designed to help you clear annoying emails and organize your inbox so that you can manage it more efficiently, enabling you to achieve the coveted "Inbox Zero."

  • Unsubscribe from unwanted emails with a single click

  • Streamline your email management with AI-driven efficiency

  • Rest assured that your email data is secure with end-to-end encryption

Zero Inbox is more than just a cleanup tool; it's a productivity booster for both individuals and businesses. With features that prioritize data security and minimize time spent on email sorting, Zero Inbox is the smart choice in simplifying your email experience. 📥

Reach out to over 700k AI enthusiasts today. Become a sponsor

Coming in Hot

AI Tools of the week

Note: ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 🎥 Salemaker - Create personalized sales videos at scale.

  2. 📋 Therapist AI - An AI life coach to inspire action 24/7.

  3. 🥗 Belly Buddy - Take control of your digestive health.

  4. 👥 WahTheHire - Screen candidates with AI-powered video recruitment.

  5. 📚 Coachit AI - Centralize all of your AI platforms.

  6. 📺 BlogFox - Convert YouTube videos into blog posts.

  7. 🖋️ Undetectable AI Pro - Make your AI-generated content undetectable.

  8. 💻 Iokoo - Instant IT solutions for all your needs.

  9. 🦉 X Beast - Grow on X/Twitter by automating your posting.

  10. 🖥️ Tailcards - Auto-generate and edit TailwindCSS components.

  11. 🎨 CartoonGen - Generate unique AI cartoons from text or images.

  12.  QuotesMaker - Create and share inspiring quotes with others.

  13. 🍏 AI on Device - AI-powered local assistance for your Apple devices.

  14. ✒️ SpeedProof - Quick AI text editing for improved productivity.

  15. 🎴 BeautifulSouls - Get tarot readings and spiritual advice.

Looking for a specific AI tool and can’t find it? Post a request

Today’s AI Breakthrough

Chinese startup Shengshu Technology has unveiled Vidu, a text-to-video generator that’s imaginative, can simulate the physical world, and produces 16-second videos with consistent characters, scenes, and timeline. Although video generations are shorter than OpenAI’s Sora, Vidu represents a significant advancement in China's AI capabilities. 📹👯

Thread of the Day

Is Udio really that good?

If you’ve heard of Udio from us or around the interwebs, you’ll know how much buzz it received when it officially launched a few weeks ago. If not, then you may or may not be surprised by the quality of it’s music generations.

In this thread, we’ll take a look at 10 different songs generated by Udio. That’ll give you an idea of how good it really is. Then, you can try it out for yourself and have some fun! 🎵🎧

If you don’t have an account on X, you can still view this thread here:

Featured AIs

Featured AI Tools

  1. 🤖 Watermelon - Build your GPT-4 chatbot with your own data for customer service.

  2. 🧠 Kin - Your personal AI for a private life.

  3. 💬 Chatsimple - Website chatbots for support and sales assistance.

  4. ✍️ Taplio - Automate LinkedIn content creation.

  5. 💼 Venturekit - Business plan generation and consulting services.

  6. 📹 Video To Blog - Create blog content from YouTube videos.

  7. ⚙️ BoltAI - A macOS assistant for automated tasks.


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That's a wrap on this Wednesday's AI insights! We hope the AI featured today inspire you to push your boundaries like never before. Share your favorite finds with friends and enjoy the rest of your week. Remember, the world of AI is always evolving—just like your potential! 🌞

For the latest AI scoops, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Signing off,

— There’s An AI For That